Vac 2023 Roundup

Vac made great progress on its ongoing research and development objectives last year while also presenting its work at conferences and supporting Logos infrastructure projects.

Here’s a quick recap of Vac’s 2023:







  • Published a blog on RLN and its use in Waku

  • Presented Nescience, RLN, and work on Ethereum validator privacy at Progcrypto and PrivConnect in Istanbul during Devconnect

In addition to the developments listed above, most of Vac’s work involves supporting Logos project teams, including Waku, Codex, Nomos, and Nimbus. This includes assistance with:

  • Smart contracts
  • libp2p
  • Token economics
  • Distributed Systems Testing and QA
  • ZK and cryptography-related protocols
  • Specification writing

Vac is looking forward to another successful and packed year in 2024 as it continues to research and develop solutions to problems impacting the entire decentralised web movement.

You can follow Vac’s progress at Vac Roadmap and Research Blog | Vac Research, and also check in on other projects under the Logos collective umbrella.

What is Vac?
Vac builds public good protocols for the decentralised web. As an integral part of the Logos, Vac comprises R&D Service Units, Incubator Projects, Deep Research, and the RFC (specification) process for Logos projects. Learn more: